

This award bestows recognition to a worthy individual whose doctoral dissertation makes a substantial contribution to the literature and/or practice of community college instruction, 治理, 或者劳动力发展.

A substantial contribution is defined as dissertation research that demonstrably adds to the scholarly literature on community college, revises understanding of a researchable problem associated with community college, or looks at an aspect of community college in a new way. The dissertation may also be an interdisciplinary effort that identifies a research problem new to the field. Dissertations utilizing a diversity of methodological approaches are encouraged. Applicants vying for the award do not need to be members of the Bellwether College Consortium, but do need to be enrolled or have recently completed their doctoral program at an accredited four-year university in the United States.





The creation of this inaugural dissertation award competition serves as a significant, unique and valuable contribution to community college scholarship. The Community College 期货大会 provides a high-energy venue to amplify research focused on issues central to public two-year colleges. This national recognition at Bellwether’s signature event provides an ideal platform to showcase exemplary research sponsored, featured and disseminated by the Bellwether College Consortium.



The Bellwether Outstanding 论文奖 is open to graduate students who conducted research for a dissertation study in partial fulfillment of a doctoral degree (i.e. Ed.D. 或Ph值.D.) and whose research focused on community colleges or community college students. All complete and eligible submissions are reviewed by a select panel of esteemed scholars and practitioners with expertise in community college issues. The national panel will exclude any judge associated with the applicant’s doctoral program or institution. The doctoral dissertation must be successfully defended between 2023年12月2日,不迟于2024年12月1日. 完整的应用程序和 PDF file of the successful dissertation with all committee member signatures must be received through the ODA submission portal no later than 2024年12月2日.


奖 & 好处

  • Complimentary registration for the 2025 Community College 期货大会, 在圣安东尼奥的门格尔酒店, 德州.
  • The awardee is formally announced at the 领头羊奖 Ceremony and presented with the Bellwether Outstanding 论文奖. A brief abstract of the study will be shared and a picture of the award recipient will be shown at the event.
  • An exclusive invitation to provide a presentation at the 2025 Community College 期货大会
  • Recognition is provided on the Bellwether College Consortium website, 在印刷和电子材料, 并通过联盟的社交媒体渠道



Applicants must complete an online submission form providing the following information:

  • 论文作者姓名及联系方式.
  • 论文题目, 成功捍卫日期, 大学及名称, title, and email address of the applicant’s dissertation chair.
  • 论文的简要描述不超过 800 单词. This summarization may be the dissertation abstract or synopsis. It should address each of the judged criteria and will be scored in the first round of the judging process.
  • 提供URL 链接到PDF文件 of your successfully defended and accepted version of your dissertation and include the page with all your dissertation committee members’ signatures.



Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria.

Criteria for round one is solely a review of the dissertation summary and letter of support:

  • 研究的及时性(1).e. 新问题或趋势问题)
  • Significance and/or originality of the problem and research questions pertaining to community college
  • Overall applicability of the study to community college practice and scholarship
  • A score based on the strength of the letter of support is added to the total score for each submission in the first round of the competition

Criteria for round two will consist of an evaluation of the entire dissertation document:

  • 研究的及时性(1).e. 新问题或趋势问题)
  • Relevant and appropriate use of theory/theories or a theoretical or conceptual framework
  • Comprehensiveness and relevance of the literature review
  • Detailed rationale and detail of methodology employed, including research design
  • 数据分析的基本原理和质量
  • Comprehensibility and meaningfulness of the results to community college practice
  • Applicability of the study to theory and/or practice to community college

文字准确有力, 批判性分析, and scope and depth of bibliography as related to the research topic



奖公告 & 仪式

The 领头羊奖 recipient will be announced and recognized at the 2025 Community College 期货大会 with a beautiful award for an outstanding dissertation. The assembly will be on Sunday, February 23 through Tuesday, February 25th in San Antonio, Tx. 



The jury of judges will be comprised of representatives including seasoned researchers committed to the study of community college issues, 全国社区学院组织的领导, 以及受人尊敬的高等教育慈善机构成员.





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